Raziščite tehnične podatke, slike, cene, prednosti in slabosti motociklov, da se boste lahko pred naslednjim nakupom odločili na podlagi informacij. Ne glede na to, ali ste izkušeni voznik ali začetnik, si lahko s potopom v izčrpne tehnične podatke in visokokakovostne slike ustvarite jasno sliko o lastnostih vsakega modela. Primerjava cen ter tehtanje prednosti in slabosti vam bo pomagalo najti popolno motorno kolo, ki ustreza vašim potrebam in proračunu.

LiveWire is a brand of electric motorcycles owned by Harley-Davidson, an American motorcycle manufacturer. LiveWire was launched as a separate brand in 2019, with a focus on producing high-performance electric motorcycles that combine cutting-edge technology with iconic Harley-Davidson styling. The company's first model, the LiveWire, was released in 2019 and was designed to appeal to a new generation of riders who are looking for environmentally friendly and high-performance electric motorcycles.
Najnovejši članki o motornih kolesih 1000PS LiveWire
Naked bike

LiveWire One
- Motor:Električno
- Navor:113.8 Nm
- Moč:100 KM

LiveWire S2 Del Mar
- Motor:Električno
- Navor:263 Nm
- Moč:84 KM

LiveWire S2 Del Mar LE
- Motor:Električno
- Navor:263 Nm
- Moč:84 KM