MV Agusta Dragster 800 Rosso 2021 vs. Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2020
MV Agusta Dragster 800 Rosso 2021
Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2020
Overview - MV Agusta Dragster 800 Rosso 2021 vs Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2020
MV Agusta Dragster 800 Rosso 2021
Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2020
Technical Specifications MV Agusta Dragster 800 Rosso 2021 compared to Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2020
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
MV Agusta Dragster 800 Rosso 2021
Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2020
Whether you ride it with 70 kW, or in a further throttled 35 kW version: The Kawasaki Z900 is on a par with its open version - just with less power. That's why you can also be happy about the great handling and the updated electronics package for 2020. There's also good news about the engine. Even with 95 hp, the Kawa pulls tight on the chain and will give pleasure for many seasons! A bike you can grow with!
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price MV Agusta Dragster 800 Rosso vs Kawasaki Z900 70kW
Price MV Agusta Dragster 800 Rosso
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Kawasaki Z900 70kW
Model year
Current average market prices