Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2019 vs. Kawasaki Z900 2019

Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2019

Kawasaki Z900 2019
Overview - Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2019 vs Kawasaki Z900 2019

Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2019

Kawasaki Z900 2019
Technical Specifications Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2019 compared to Kawasaki Z900 2019
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Kawasaki Z900 70kW 2019

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Kawasaki Z900 2019

Fortunately, the new Kawasaki Z900 has lost none of its character through the use of electronics. It is and remains a playful mid-range naked bike, which at the same time masters the brisk pace on the country road magnificently. The riding pleasure and suitability for everyday use are high, the now installed riding aids offer a plus in safety. Your opponents will have a really hard time from now on.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Kawasaki Z900 70kW vs Kawasaki Z900
Price Kawasaki Z900 70kW
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Kawasaki Z900
Model year
Current average market prices