GASGAS EC 300 E 2011 vs. KTM 300 EXC 2017
GASGAS EC 300 E 2011
KTM 300 EXC 2017
Overview - GASGAS EC 300 E 2011 vs KTM 300 EXC 2017
GASGAS EC 300 E 2011
KTM 300 EXC 2017
Technical Specifications GASGAS EC 300 E 2011 compared to KTM 300 EXC 2017
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
GASGAS EC 300 E 2011
Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
KTM 300 EXC 2017
Although the 1000PS Offroad Crew found a few weak points, all testers were enthusiastic about the KTM 300 EXC. Its single-cylinder has good responsiveness and is very easy to ride thanks to its power. The chassis offers a solid basic setup ex works, even if it is a bit top-heavy according to our pros. In addition, many parts, such as the fan, have to be bought from KTM accessories, so the bill will be a little higher.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price GASGAS EC 300 E vs KTM 300 EXC
Price GASGAS EC 300 E
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price KTM 300 EXC
Model year
Current average market prices