Red Moto CRF 250RX Enduro 2021 vs. Yamaha WR250F 2015

Red Moto CRF 250RX Enduro 2021

Yamaha WR250F 2015
Overview - Red Moto CRF 250RX Enduro 2021 vs Yamaha WR250F 2015

Red Moto CRF 250RX Enduro 2021

Yamaha WR250F 2015
Technical Specifications Red Moto CRF 250RX Enduro 2021 compared to Yamaha WR250F 2015
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Red Moto CRF 250RX Enduro 2021

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Yamaha WR250F 2015

Yamaha skilfully brings its very courageous MX concept onto the Enduro track. Right from the start, Yamaha has focused on a real racing bike and has finally left the dual-sport genes to one side. All the add-on parts are of top quality, and the unusual bodywork at the front is pleasing after an initial period of getting used to it. The engine could do with a bit more punch in the mid-range. The chassis shines all the way. With the new WR 250F, Yamaha is once again on a par with the best on the market and can fully convince, even at the relatively high price.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Red Moto CRF 250RX Enduro vs Yamaha WR250F
Price Red Moto CRF 250RX Enduro
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Yamaha WR250F
Model year
Current average market prices