Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2010 vs. Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2012
Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2010
Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2012
Overview - Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2010 vs Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2012
Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2010
Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2012
Technical Specifications Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2010 compared to Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2012
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2010
Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Honda GL 1800 Goldwing 2012
Honda GL 1800 Goldwing - the ideal touring motorbike for everywhere. This model not only impresses with its looks and positive chassis and feel, but also represents the ideal car replacement for long journeys. Suitcases and luggage for the holiday? No problem with 150l of storage space!
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda GL 1800 Goldwing vs Honda GL 1800 Goldwing
Price Honda GL 1800 Goldwing
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Honda GL 1800 Goldwing
Model year
Current average market prices