SWM Ace of Spades 125 2020 vs. Motron X-Nord 125 2021

SWM Ace of Spades 125 2020

Motron X-Nord 125 2021
Overview - SWM Ace of Spades 125 2020 vs Motron X-Nord 125 2021

SWM Ace of Spades 125 2020

Motron X-Nord 125 2021
Technical Specifications SWM Ace of Spades 125 2020 compared to Motron X-Nord 125 2021
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
SWM Ace of Spades 125 2020

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Motron X-Nord 125 2021

The X-Nord 125 is actually quite unrivalled as a touring enduro in the A1 class. In addition to its terrific price-performance ratio, the Motron's accessibility and ease of use are its main selling points. Whether for an extended country road tour or simply as a daily driver with better wind protection, you will hardly find so much comfort on a motorbike in the A1 class. Considering the price, small weaknesses are easily forgiven. Only the fact that the crash bars are the first to touch down is a real shortcoming.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price SWM Ace of Spades 125 vs Motron X-Nord 125
Price SWM Ace of Spades 125
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Motron X-Nord 125
Model year
Current average market prices