Harley-Davidson Street Rod 2017 vs. Kawasaki KX 85 2009
Harley-Davidson Street Rod 2017
Kawasaki KX 85 2009
Overview - Harley-Davidson Street Rod 2017 vs Kawasaki KX 85 2009
Harley-Davidson Street Rod 2017
Kawasaki KX 85 2009
Technical Specifications Harley-Davidson Street Rod 2017 compared to Kawasaki KX 85 2009
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Harley-Davidson Street Rod 2017
The Harley Davidson Street Rod is a motorbike for all those who want to become part of a traditional brand with little money. It also cuts a fine figure in the city, with a turning circle that some naked bikes could learn from. At the same time, it is ideal for anyone who wants a cool Harley look with sporty handling and more lean angle freedom. Only the soft brake and the hard-to-find idle depress the fun that the Street Rod brings even in winding terrain.
Kawasaki KX 85 2009
Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Harley-Davidson Street Rod vs Kawasaki KX 85
Price Harley-Davidson Street Rod
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Kawasaki KX 85
Model year
Current average market prices