Yamaha WR 250X 2008 vs. Yamaha WR 250R 2010

Yamaha WR 250X 2008

Yamaha WR 250R 2010
Overview - Yamaha WR 250X 2008 vs Yamaha WR 250R 2010

Yamaha WR 250X 2008

Yamaha WR 250R 2010
Technical Specifications Yamaha WR 250X 2008 compared to Yamaha WR 250R 2010
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Yamaha WR 250X 2008

The WR 250 X is light, agile and more manoeuvrable than most other scooters. So much fun with such a small displacement has its price: at €6,695, the WR 250X is by far the most expensive of the three 250cc Yamaha's.
Yamaha WR 250R 2010

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Yamaha WR 250X vs Yamaha WR 250R
Price Yamaha WR 250X
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Yamaha WR 250R
Model year
Current average market prices