KTM 890 SMT 2023 vs. Beta RR Enduro 4T 125 AC 2009

KTM 890 SMT 2023

Beta RR Enduro 4T 125 AC 2009
Overview - KTM 890 SMT 2023 vs Beta RR Enduro 4T 125 AC 2009

KTM 890 SMT 2023

Beta RR Enduro 4T 125 AC 2009
Technical Specifications KTM 890 SMT 2023 compared to Beta RR Enduro 4T 125 AC 2009
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
KTM 890 SMT 2023

Anyone who thought the new 8980 SMT would play an unnecessary supporting role between the 890 Adventure and 890 Duke models was probably mistaken. Rarely before has a motorbike managed to do so much what it suggests on the outside with its looks. So the 890 SMT wants to be moved in a sporty way - and can do that particularly well. However, with the fairing, the well-padded saddle and the upright seating position, even long distances are easy to master. The brakes have a firm grip and the handling feels extremely agile, even in tight corners. The motto of the 890 SMT is clearly travelling AND racing!
Beta RR Enduro 4T 125 AC 2009

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price KTM 890 SMT vs Beta RR Enduro 4T 125 AC
Price KTM 890 SMT
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Beta RR Enduro 4T 125 AC
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.