Kawasaki ZZR 1400 2012 vs. BMW S 1000 RR 2012

Kawasaki ZZR 1400 2012

BMW S 1000 RR 2012
Overview - Kawasaki ZZR 1400 2012 vs BMW S 1000 RR 2012

Kawasaki ZZR 1400 2012

BMW S 1000 RR 2012
Technical Specifications Kawasaki ZZR 1400 2012 compared to BMW S 1000 RR 2012
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Kawasaki ZZR 1400 2012

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
BMW S 1000 RR 2012

What remains is fascination, bewilderment and fear. You can't shake the uneasy feeling that you're not quite yourself on this bike. It feels like a heavy metal concert with earplugs.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Kawasaki ZZR 1400 vs BMW S 1000 RR
Price Kawasaki ZZR 1400
Model year
Current average market prices
Price BMW S 1000 RR
Model year
Current average market prices