Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin 2016 vs. Vespa GTS 300 hpe 2020
Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin 2016
Vespa GTS 300 hpe 2020
Преглед - Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin 2016 vs Vespa GTS 300 hpe 2020
Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin 2016
Vespa GTS 300 hpe 2020
Техничке спецификације Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin 2016 у поређењу са Vespa GTS 300 hpe 2020
За и против у поређењу
За и против у поређењу
Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin 2016
The legend is back, Honda claimed wholeheartedly - but the mission has succeeded to the highest degree, the Africa Twin with the rather bulky name CRF1000L Africa Twin is a very agile and excellently rideable enduro that works well on all surfaces. This also applies to gravel and single trails, where easy handling is of course very important. With 95 hp, it is a proud 65 hp short of the Elite, but you don't need more for such balanced handling. In one respect, the CRF1000L Africa Twin is completely unrivalled - it can be ordered with a DCT (Dual Clutch Transmission).
Vespa GTS 300 hpe 2020
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Поређење цена Просечна тржишна цена Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin vs Vespa GTS 300 hpe
Цена Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin
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Цена Vespa GTS 300 hpe
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