Arctic Cat
Raziščite tehnične podatke, slike, cene, prednosti in slabosti motociklov, da se boste lahko pred naslednjim nakupom odločili na podlagi informacij. Ne glede na to, ali ste izkušeni voznik ali začetnik, si lahko s potopom v izčrpne tehnične podatke in visokokakovostne slike ustvarite jasno sliko o lastnostih vsakega modela. Primerjava cen ter tehtanje prednosti in slabosti vam bo pomagalo najti popolno motorno kolo, ki ustreza vašim potrebam in proračunu.

Tool and toy at the same time. A rather fitting definition of the Arctic Cat brand. Starting with the construction of snowmobiles, Arctic Cat nowadays concentrates almost exclusively on the construction of ATVs (or quads) and so-called side-by-sides (off-road cars consisting of only one frame). The range of quads is huge, utility ATVs and sport ATVs are in the range, with different engine options and accessories. Sides by Sides are divided into the same categories, but serve primarily as funmobiles. Available as two- or four-seaters, you can choose how many to start the fun. The biggest competitors are Yamaha and Polaris, another American manufacturer, each of which offers a very similar range of off-roaders.

Arctic Cat 1000 XT
- Prostornina:951 cm3
- Moč:20.4 KM

Arctic Cat 1000i GT 4x4
- Prostornina:951 cm3

Arctic Cat 1000i XT
- Prostornina:951 cm3

Arctic Cat 250 2x4
- Prostornina:249 cm3

Arctic Cat 250 DVX
- Prostornina:249 cm3

Arctic Cat 300 DVX
- Prostornina:270 cm3

Arctic Cat 350 2x4
- Prostornina:366 cm3

Arctic Cat 400 3in1
- Prostornina:376 cm3

Arctic Cat 400 4x4
- Prostornina:366 cm3

Arctic Cat 400 DVX
- Prostornina:398 cm3

Arctic Cat 400 H1 2x4
- Prostornina:366.9 cm3

Arctic Cat 400 H1 4x4
- Prostornina:366.9 cm3

Arctic Cat 425i 4x4
- Prostornina:443 cm3

Arctic Cat 425i SE 4x4
- Prostornina:443 cm3

Arctic Cat 450i
- Prostornina:443 cm3

Arctic Cat 500 3in1
- Prostornina:493 cm3

Arctic Cat 500 4x4
- Prostornina:493 cm3

Arctic Cat 500 TRV
- Prostornina:493 cm3

Arctic Cat 550i
- Prostornina:545 cm3

Arctic Cat 550i 4x4
- Prostornina:545 cm3

Arctic Cat 550i GT 4x4
- Prostornina:545 cm3

Arctic Cat 550i XT
- Prostornina:545 cm3

Arctic Cat 650 H1 3in1
- Prostornina:641 cm3

Arctic Cat 650 H1 4x4
- Prostornina:641 cm3

Arctic Cat 650 H1 TRV
- Prostornina:641 cm3

Arctic Cat 650 V2 4x4
- Prostornina:633 cm3

Arctic Cat 700 Diesel
- Prostornina:686 cm3

Arctic Cat 700 Diesel 3in1
- Prostornina:641 cm3

Arctic Cat 700 Diesel EGR TRV
- Prostornina:686 cm3

Arctic Cat 700 H1 EFI TRV
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat 700i
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat 700i 4x4
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat 700i GT 4x4
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat 700i XT
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Alterra 300
- Prostornina:270 cm3

Arctic Cat Alterra 400 4x4
- Prostornina:366 cm3

Arctic Cat Alterra 450 4x4
- Prostornina:443 cm3

Arctic Cat Alterra 700
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Alterra 700 XT
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Alterra TRV 1000 XT
- Prostornina:951 cm3

Arctic Cat Alterra TRV 550
- Prostornina:545 cm3

Arctic Cat Alterra TRV 550 XT
- Prostornina:545 cm3

Arctic Cat Alterra TRV 700
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Alterra TRV 700 XT
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Arctic Cruiser 1000
- Prostornina:951 cm3

Arctic Cat Arctic Cruiser 700
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Arctic Panther
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Prowler 1000 XT
- Prostornina:951 cm3

Arctic Cat Prowler 1000i
- Prostornina:951 cm3

Arctic Cat Prowler 500
- Prostornina:443 cm3

Arctic Cat Prowler 550i
- Prostornina:545 cm3

Arctic Cat Prowler 700 Crew
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Prowler 700 HDX
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Prowler 700i
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Prowler 700i HDX
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Prowler XT
- Prostornina:641 cm3

Arctic Cat Prowler XT 650 H1
- Prostornina:641 cm3

Arctic Cat TBX 700
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Thundercat
- Prostornina:951 cm3

Arctic Cat TRV 1000i XT
- Prostornina:951 cm3

Arctic Cat TRV 550i XT
- Prostornina:545 cm3

Arctic Cat TRV 700i XT
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Wildcat 1000 4x
- Prostornina:951 cm3

Arctic Cat Wildcat 1000 X LTD
- Prostornina:951 cm3
- Moč:19.7 KM

Arctic Cat Wildcat 1000i X
- Prostornina:951 cm3

Arctic Cat Wildcat 1000i X LTD
- Prostornina:951 cm3

Arctic Cat Wildcat Sport LTD
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Wildcat Sport STD
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat Wildcat Sport XT
- Prostornina:700 cm3

Arctic Cat Wildcat Trail 700i XT
- Prostornina:695 cm3

Arctic Cat wildcat Trial 700 XT
- Prostornina:700 cm3

Arctic Cat XC 450
- Prostornina:443 cm3
- Moč:20.1 KM

Arctic Cat XC 450i
- Prostornina:443 cm3

Arctic Cat XR 550i XT
- Prostornina:545 cm3
- Moč:40.8 KM

Arctic Cat XR 700i
- Prostornina:695 cm3
- Moč:41.8 KM

Arctic Cat XR 700i XT
- Prostornina:695 cm3
- Moč:41.8 KM