FK Motors
Raziščite tehnične podatke, slike, cene, prednosti in slabosti motociklov, da se boste lahko pred naslednjim nakupom odločili na podlagi informacij. Ne glede na to, ali ste izkušeni voznik ali začetnik, si lahko s potopom v izčrpne tehnične podatke in visokokakovostne slike ustvarite jasno sliko o lastnostih vsakega modela. Primerjava cen ter tehtanje prednosti in slabosti vam bo pomagalo najti popolno motorno kolo, ki ustreza vašim potrebam in proračunu.

FK Motors is one of the most innovative motorbike brands in Asia. In addition to Asia, Africa and South America, the products have also been offered in Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Malta and Romania since 2018. FKM is an international brand with influences from Germany, Singapore and China. The plant is under the umbrella of FEKON, one of China's largest motorbike manufacturers with a total of four plants and a production capacity of 500,000 motorbikes and 600,000 engines per year.
Naked bike

FK Motors FK 12 MS Mini Scrambler
- Prostornina:125 cm3
- Navor:9.6 Nm
- Moč:10.2 KM

FK Motors FK 12 SF Street-Fighter
- Prostornina:125 cm3
- Moč:11.15 KM

FK Motors FK 12 SX Street Scrambler
- Prostornina:125 cm3
- Navor:9.6 Nm
- Moč:11.15 KM

FK Motors FK3-GP
- Prostornina:292.4 cm3
- Navor:25.3 Nm
- Moč:29.1 KM