Quadro Vehicles
Raziščite tehnične podatke, slike, cene, prednosti in slabosti motociklov, da se boste lahko pred naslednjim nakupom odločili na podlagi informacij. Ne glede na to, ali ste izkušeni voznik ali začetnik, si lahko s potopom v izčrpne tehnične podatke in visokokakovostne slike ustvarite jasno sliko o lastnostih vsakega modela. Primerjava cen ter tehtanje prednosti in slabosti vam bo pomagalo najti popolno motorno kolo, ki ustreza vašim potrebam in proračunu.

Quadro Vehicles is a Swiss manufacturer of tilting three-wheeled scooters. The company was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Vacallo, Switzerland. Quadro offers a range of models, including the Qooder, the brand's flagship four-wheel scooter, and the three-wheeled versions such as the 3D, 4D, and 4X.

Quadro Vehicles 350D
- Prostornina:313 cm3
- Navor:23.7 Nm
- Moč:21 KM

Quadro Vehicles QOODER
- Prostornina:399 cm3
- Navor:38.5 Nm
- Moč:32.35 KM

Quadro Vehicles Quadro 3
- Prostornina:346 cm3
- Navor:28.8 Nm
- Moč:27 KM

Quadro Vehicles Quadro 4
- Prostornina:346 cm3
- Navor:33.2 Nm
- Moč:30 KM

Quadro Vehicles Qv3
- Prostornina:346 cm3
- Navor:31.8 Nm
- Moč:29 KM