Raziščite tehnične podatke, slike, cene, prednosti in slabosti motociklov, da se boste lahko pred naslednjim nakupom odločili na podlagi informacij. Ne glede na to, ali ste izkušeni voznik ali začetnik, si lahko s potopom v izčrpne tehnične podatke in visokokakovostne slike ustvarite jasno sliko o lastnostih vsakega modela. Primerjava cen ter tehtanje prednosti in slabosti vam bo pomagalo najti popolno motorno kolo, ki ustreza vašim potrebam in proračunu.

Horex Motorcycles is a German motorcycle manufacturer that specializes in the design and manufacturing of high-performance, luxury motorcycles. Founded in 1923, Horex has a long history of producing some of the most iconic and innovative motorcycles in the industry. With a focus on quality, innovation, and design, Horex's products are designed to provide riders with an exceptional riding experience that is both thrilling and luxurious.

Horex Regina Evo
- Prostornina:600 cm3
- Navor:54 Nm
- Moč:48 KM
Naked bike

Horex VR6 Cafe Racer
- Prostornina:1218 cm3
- Moč:163 KM

Horex VR6 Classic
- Motor:VR
- Prostornina:1218 cm3
- Moč:163 KM

Horex VR6 Roadster
- Motor:VR
- Prostornina:1218 cm3
- Navor:137 Nm
- Moč:161 KM