KTM 300 EXC 2016 vs. KTM 250 EXC 2017

KTM 300 EXC 2016

KTM 250 EXC 2017
Pregled - KTM 300 EXC 2016 vs KTM 250 EXC 2017

KTM 300 EXC 2016

KTM 250 EXC 2017
Tehnične specifikacije KTM 300 EXC 2016 v primerjavi z KTM 250 EXC 2017
Primerjava prednosti in slabosti
Primerjava prednosti in slabosti
KTM 300 EXC 2016

The "big" two-stroke engine was newly developed in 2017 and is used on the 250 and 300. The electric starter is no longer "flange-mounted" but compactly integrated. Professionals have said that the 300 is actually too powerful for them. For me, however, it is THE 2-stroke recommendation, especially for hobby riders. With the map selector, you can choose the "mild" mapping here and also fall back on the weaker spring for the exhaust control. In practice, you can ride it in a gear higher than the 250 and it becomes quite tame. The new balancer shaft offers a big plus in ride comfort: significantly less vibration!
KTM 250 EXC 2017

KTM 250 EXC ni prepričal le z videzom, temveč tudi s 1000-konjskimi motorji. Dvotaktni enovaljnik so pohvalili zaradi visokega navora, prijetne moči in uglajenega delovanja. Tudi obnašanje podvozja je bilo prepričljivo, z izjemo pretiranega odboja vilic. Tako KTM 250 EXC ne blesti le z udobnim položajem sedenja, temveč tudi z nevtralnim in dobrodušnim upravljanjem.