Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic 114 FLHCS 2023 vs. Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250 Special 2021

Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic 114 FLHCS 2023

Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250 Special 2021
Pregled - Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic 114 FLHCS 2023 vs Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250 Special 2021

Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic 114 FLHCS 2023

Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250 Special 2021
Tehnične specifikacije Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic 114 FLHCS 2023 v primerjavi z Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250 Special 2021
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Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic 114 FLHCS 2023

Če lahko preizkusite le enega Harleyja-Davidsona, je Heritage zagotovo dobra izbira. S svojim klasičnim videzom in rjovečim motorjem Milwaukee Eight V2 uteleša temeljne vrednote znamke kot noben drug model. Zaradi tempomata, udobnega sedla, stranskih prtljažnikov in vetrobranskega stekla je primeren tudi kot turno kolo. Vsekakor pa je napačno kolo za lovljenje najboljših časov na domači stezi; zavore in podvozje za to niso zasnovane. Kdor to zahteva od njega, (še) ni razumel teme križancev Harley-Davidson.
Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250 Special 2021

To sum up, in everyday and touring use we can say what our first impression already told us: the Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250 Special is a touring enduro that can do what a big, strong touring enduro must be able to do in 2021. With enough space for two, with the possibility to leave the beaten track sometimes. Of course, you will hardly tackle the wildest off-road passages with it. But what the rider dares to do on a motorbike of this weight class is more pleasant for the passenger than on many competitors, thanks to the excellent electronic suspension on the Harley. And if pillion skipped the one or other creek crossing, it was only to take photos. And not to get her feet wet. Because even the most modern electronics can't prevent that, but that's what makes such adventure bikes so much fun. It is only when it is dirty that it is identified as such, even in front of the ice cream parlour.