Yamaha R7 2021 vs. Yamaha R1 2006

Yamaha R7 2021

Yamaha R7 2021

Yamaha R1 2006

Yamaha R1 2006


Pregled - Yamaha R7 2021 vs Yamaha R1 2006

The Yamaha R7 2021 and the Yamaha R1 2006 are both supersport motorcycles from Yamaha, but they have several differences in terms of technical specifications and strengths.

In terms of engine and drive train, both models have an inline engine type. However, the Yamaha R7 2021 has a lower engine power of 73.4 HP compared to the Yamaha R1 2006, which has a more powerful engine with 172 HP. The Yamaha R7 2021 has 2 cylinders and a displacement of 689 ccm, while the Yamaha R1 2006 has 4 cylinders and a displacement of 998 ccm. This indicates that the Yamaha R1 2006 has a more powerful and performance-oriented engine compared to the Yamaha R7 2021.

In terms of chassis, the Yamaha R7 2021 has a steel frame, while the Yamaha R1 2006 has an aluminum frame. This suggests that the Yamaha R1 2006 may have a lighter and more rigid chassis, which can contribute to better handling and maneuverability.

Yamaha R7 2021

Yamaha R7 2021

Both models have double disk front brakes, which indicates that they have a strong braking system. This is a strength for both motorcycles as it ensures reliable and effective braking performance.

In terms of dimensions and weights, both models have the same wheelbase of 1395 mm. However, the Yamaha R1 2006 has a larger fuel tank capacity of 18 liters compared to the Yamaha R7 2021, which has a fuel tank capacity of 13 liters. This means that the Yamaha R1 2006 can potentially have a longer range before needing to refuel.

Now, let's discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each model. The Yamaha R7 2021 has several strengths, including a high-torque CP2 engine, a sporty riding position, a suspension set-up, standard tires, and being a good entry-level trackday bike. These strengths suggest that the Yamaha R7 2021 is designed for performance-oriented riding and can provide an enjoyable and thrilling experience on the track.

On the other hand, the Yamaha R1 2006 has its own set of strengths, including a strong braking system, a powerful engine, traction miracle, an anti-hopping clutch, a steering damper, and precise handling. These strengths indicate that the Yamaha R1 2006 is a high-performance motorcycle with advanced features and technologies that enhance its overall performance and control.

Yamaha R1 2006

Yamaha R1 2006

However, the Yamaha R7 2021 does have a weakness, which is the absence of a quickshifter as standard. This means that riders may need to manually shift gears, which can be less convenient and may affect the overall riding experience.

Similarly, the Yamaha R1 2006 also has a weakness, which is a very sub-optimal seating position that can result in an uncomfortable posture. Additionally, strong body effort may be required during turns, which can be tiring and may affect the overall handling and maneuverability of the motorcycle.

In conclusion, the Yamaha R7 2021 and the Yamaha R1 2006 have several differences in terms of technical specifications and strengths. While the Yamaha R1 2006 has a more powerful engine and advanced features, the Yamaha R7 2021 offers a sporty riding position and is a good entry-level trackday bike. Both models have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them would depend on the rider's preferences and priorities.

Tehnične specifikacije Yamaha R7 2021 v primerjavi z Yamaha R1 2006

Yamaha R7 2021
Yamaha R1 2006
Pokaži vse
Samo enako
Yamaha R7 2021
Yamaha R7 2021
Yamaha R1 2006
Yamaha R1 2006

Motor in pogonski sklop

Vrsta motorjaVrsta motorjaVrstniVrsta motorjaVrstni
Moč motorjaMoč motorja73.4 KMMoč motorja172 KM
Prenos močiPrenos močiVerigaPrenos močiVeriga
Vrsta menjalnikaVrsta menjalnikaPrestavna ročicaVrsta menjalnikaPrestavna ročica
Število prestavŠtevilo prestav6Število prestav6
Gibna prostorninaGibna prostornina689 cm3Gibna prostornina998 cm3

Sprednje vzmetenje

Sprednje vzmetenjeSprednje vzmetenjeObrnjene teleskopske viliceSprednje vzmetenjeObrnjene teleskopske vilice

Zadnje vzmetenje

VzmetenjeVzmetenjeVrtljivi drogVzmetenjeVrtljivi drog
AmortizerAmortizerEn blažilnikAmortizerEn blažilnik



Sprednje zavore

VrstaVrstaDvojni kolutVrstaDvojni kolut

Zadnje zavore


Mere in mase

Širina sprednje pnevmatikeŠirina sprednje pnevmatike120 mmŠirina sprednje pnevmatike120 mm
Višina sprednje pnevmatikeVišina sprednje pnevmatike70 %Višina sprednje pnevmatike70 %
Premer sprednje pnevmatikePremer sprednje pnevmatike17 palcevPremer sprednje pnevmatike17 palcev
Medosna razdaljaMedosna razdalja1,395 mmMedosna razdalja1,395 mm
Prostornina posode za gorivoProstornina posode za gorivo13 lProstornina posode za gorivo18 l
Skladnost z dovoljenjemSkladnost z dovoljenjemASkladnost z dovoljenjemA

Primerjava prednosti in slabosti

Primerjava prednosti in slabosti

Yamaha R7 2021

Yamaha R7 2021

Kljub precej nenavadni kombinaciji razumnega motorja srednjega razpona z močjo 73,4 KM in izjemno agresivnega, športnega videza R7 nikakor ni ovca v volčji preobleki. Zmogljivost, ki je nekje med R3 in R6, se je v praksi izkazala za veliko močnejšo, kot bi kazale čiste vrednosti na papirju, glede geometrije, podvozja, zavor in pnevmatik pa so Yamahini inženirji resnično opravili domačo nalogo. Poleg tega ima Yamaha R7 vse lastnosti, da se lahko na kompaktni dirkalni stezi, kot je na primer Pannoniaring, tudi brez velike naložbe iz škatle zelo dobro zabava. Seveda pa se bolje počuti na podeželski cesti, kamor po našem mnenju v prvi vrsti tudi spada. Glede na celoten paket je nakupna cena več kot poštena - zato ni težava, da quickshifter ni vključen in ga je treba dokupiti kot opcijo.

motor CP2 z visokim navorom

športni položaj za vožnjo

nastavitev vzmetenja

standardne pnevmatike

dobro vstopno kolo za dirkalni dan.

Serijski prestavni mehanizem bi bil prijeten

Yamaha R1 2006

Yamaha R1 2006

Novi R1 je motocikel, poln visoke tehnologije in inovacij. Njegova zmogljivost na dirkališču je impresivna. Tehnični pripomočki namreč pomenijo užitek pri vožnji in čas kroga. Kljub temu motor zahteva aktivnega voznika, da ne postane utrujajoč.

Brezskrbno kovičenje

močan zavorni sistem

močan motor

vlečni čudež

sklopka proti poskakovanju

volanski blažilec


Zelo neoptimalen položaj sedenja - neudobna drža

med zavijanjem je potreben močan telesni napor

Primerjava povprečnih tržnih cen Yamaha R7 vs Yamaha R1

There are a few key differences between a Yamaha R7 2021 and a Yamaha R1 2006. It takes less time to sell a Yamaha R1 with 44 days compared to 161 days for the Yamaha R7. Since model year 2021 1000PS.de editors have written 9 reviews for the Yamaha R7 and 80 reviews for the Yamaha R1 since model year 2005. The first review for the Yamaha R7 was published on 5/18/2021 and now has more than 92,800 views. This compares to more than 3,900 views for the first review on Yamaha R1 published on 4/28/2003.

Cena Yamaha R7

Modelsko leto
Trenutne povprečne tržne cene

Cena Yamaha R1

Modelsko leto
Trenutne povprečne tržne cene

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