Honda CB 1000 R 2019 vs. Kawasaki Z900 2020

Honda CB 1000 R 2019

Kawasaki Z900 2020
Prehľad - Honda CB 1000 R 2019 vs Kawasaki Z900 2020
Honda CB 1000 R model year 2019 and Kawasaki Z900 model year 2020 are both naked bikes that offer a thrilling riding experience.
In terms of the engine and powertrain, the Honda CB 1000 R 2019 is equipped with an inline-four engine that delivers a power output of 145 hp and a torque of 104 Nm. It features a fuel injection system and liquid cooling. On the other hand, the Kawasaki Z900 2020 also has an inline-four engine but with a slightly lower power output of 125.4 hp and a torque of 98.6 Nm. It also has a fuel injection system and liquid cooling.
Both bikes have inverted telescopic front suspension, but the Honda CB 1000 R 2019 offers more adjustability with compression, preload, and rebound settings. The rear suspension on both bikes is a swingarm with a monoshock, and they both offer adjustability for preload and rebound.
In terms of the chassis, the Honda CB 1000 R 2019 has a steel frame, while the Kawasaki Z900 2020 features a double-cradle frame.

Honda CB 1000 R 2019
When it comes to braking, both bikes have dual disc front brakes with a diameter of 310 mm and four-piston calipers. However, the Kawasaki Z900 2020 uses a different brake technology called "plátok."
Both bikes are equipped with advanced rider assistance systems such as ABS, ride modes, ride-by-wire, and traction control.
In terms of dimensions and weight, the Honda CB 1000 R 2019 has a wider front tire (120 mm) compared to the Kawasaki Z900 2020 (110 mm). The seat height of the Honda CB 1000 R 2019 is higher at 830 mm compared to the Kawasaki Z900 2020 at 795 mm. The curb weight of both bikes is similar, with the Honda CB 1000 R 2019 weighing 212 kg (with ABS) and the Kawasaki Z900 2020 weighing 210 kg (with ABS).
In terms of equipment, both bikes feature LED headlights. The Kawasaki Z900 2020 also has additional features such as LED daytime running lights and a TFT display.

Kawasaki Z900 2020
The Honda CB 1000 R 2019 stands out with its flawless engine response, the powerful 1000 cc engine, a good package of electronics, smooth and precise gearbox, and a well-functioning quickshifter.
On the other hand, the Kawasaki Z900 2020 impresses with its powerful inline-four engine, excellent maneuverability, good equipment, aggressive design, and a good balance between price and performance.
However, the Honda CB 1000 R 2019 has a few drawbacks, such as the outdated black and white LCD display, which may not be ideal for reading in direct sunlight, and tall riders may face knee clearance issues during refueling.
Similarly, the Kawasaki Z900 2020 has some weaknesses, including a slightly tedious menu navigation and the lack of a quick shift feature.
Technické špecifikácie Honda CB 1000 R 2019 v porovnaní s Kawasaki Z900 2020
Porovnanie výhod a nevýhod
Porovnanie výhod a nevýhod
Honda CB 1000 R 2019

Litrová verzia Neo Sport Cafe Racer ukazuje, že to nemusí byt vždy zlatá stredná cesta. Úprimne povedané, treba povedat, že najväcší zo všetkých zástupcov pôsobí aj najviac "dospelácky". Elektronická výbava 1000 ccm vo verzii + nenecháva takmer nic na náhodu a ovládanie je na túto triedu mimoriadne priatelské k jazdcovi. Lahké prejazdy zákrutami s dobre naladeným podvozkom, svižné brzdy a nízka hmotnost sa zdajú byt receptom na úspech tejto hladkej jazdy. Bohužial, CB1000R+ musí urobit ústupky, pokial ide o výkon: so 145 konmi nie je Honda žiadna brutálna raketa, ale o to lepšie sa ovláda. A 145 koní s plnou nádržou s hmotnostou 213 kg je viac než dost na maximálny pôžitok z jazdy na vidieckych cestách!
Kawasaki Z900 2020

Z hladiska pomeru ceny a kvality je Kawasaki Z900 v súcasnosti tažko prekonatelná. Vdaka dokonale vyladenému motoru, kvalitným komponentom odpruženia a pridanej elektronike na rok 2020 ponúka tento nahác všetko, co budú športoví jazdci hladat. Skutocne nie je co vytknút, aj ked možnost quickshiftera by bola príjemným doplnkom. Okrem toho: skvelá práca, Kawasaki!
Porovnanie cien Priemerná trhová cena Honda CB 1000 R vs Kawasaki Z900
Medzi modelom Honda CB 1000 R 2019 a modelom Kawasaki Z900 2020 je niekoľko hlavných rozdielov. Pokiaľ ide o cenu, skutočná priemerná cena modelu Honda CB 1000 R 2019 je približne o 17 % vyššia. V porovnaní s modelom Kawasaki Z900 2020 je na stránke dostupných menej motocyklov modelu Honda CB 1000 R 2019, konkrétne 16 v porovnaní s 34. Predaj modelu Honda CB 1000 R trvá kratšie, konkrétne 116 dni/dní, v porovnaní s 124 dňami v prípade modelu Kawasaki Z900. Od modelového roku 2008 editori stránky napísali celkom Počet hodnotení: 42 hodnotenia/hodnotení na model Honda CB 1000 R a 46 na model Kawasaki Z900 od modelového roka 2017. Prvé hodnotenie modelu Honda CB 1000 R bolo zverejnené 6.11.2007 a teraz má viac ako 10 400 zobrazenia/zobrazení. Pre porovnanie, v prípade prvého hodnotenia modelu Kawasaki Z900 zverejneného 11.11.2016 je to viac ako 93 200 zobrazenia/zobrazení.