Yamaha YZ250F 2021 vs. Yamaha YZ250F 2020

Yamaha YZ250F 2021

Yamaha YZ250F 2020
Technical Specifications Yamaha YZ250F 2021 compared to Yamaha YZ250F 2020
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Yamaha YZ250F 2021

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Yamaha YZ250F 2020

A really successful motocross motorbike where the fun factor while riding is in the foreground! The slogan "Welcome to the VictorYZone" is definitely justified. The engines are very powerful and can be individually adjusted to each rider via the Yamaha app using the WLAN interface. The app is even available for download free of charge. With the KYB suspensions, you are ready to float on cloud nine from the hallowed halls of the Yamaha dealers. We had a lot of fun on the 2021 YZ250F!
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Yamaha YZ250F vs Yamaha YZ250F
Price Yamaha YZ250F
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Price Yamaha YZ250F
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Current average market prices