Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2007 vs. Honda NT 650V Deauville 2005

Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2007

Honda NT 650V Deauville 2005
Overview - Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2007 vs Honda NT 650V Deauville 2005

Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2007

Honda NT 650V Deauville 2005
Technical Specifications Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2007 compared to Honda NT 650V Deauville 2005
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2007

Basically, the Varadero is as agile as its rider. Everyone is served fairly, and in the way they like it. Relaxed characters will also find pleasure in the English Lord style.
Honda NT 650V Deauville 2005

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda XL 1000 V Varadero vs Honda NT 650V Deauville
Price Honda XL 1000 V Varadero
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Honda NT 650V Deauville
Model year
Current average market prices