Husqvarna FE 250 2015 vs. Husqvarna FC 250 2015

Husqvarna FE 250 2015

Husqvarna FC 250 2015
Overview - Husqvarna FE 250 2015 vs Husqvarna FC 250 2015

Husqvarna FE 250 2015

Husqvarna FC 250 2015
Technical Specifications Husqvarna FE 250 2015 compared to Husqvarna FC 250 2015
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Husqvarna FE 250 2015

During the test, we rode the FE250 in standard condition and then also with the Rekluse automatic clutch. The automatic clutch really suits the FE250, which is easy to ride and easy on the eyes. The accessory is probably also perfectly suited to the bike's target group. All in all, the FE250 is a motorbike that can do much more than one would expect at first glance. In very hard sections, however, it is the less talented riders who would like to have a little more torque.
Husqvarna FC 250 2015

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Husqvarna FE 250 vs Husqvarna FC 250
Price Husqvarna FE 250
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Price Husqvarna FC 250
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