Beta RR 50 Enduro Racing 2021 vs. Vespa Primavera 50 4T 2021

Beta RR 50 Enduro Racing 2021

Vespa Primavera 50 4T 2021
Overview - Beta RR 50 Enduro Racing 2021 vs Vespa Primavera 50 4T 2021

Beta RR 50 Enduro Racing 2021

Vespa Primavera 50 4T 2021
Technical Specifications Beta RR 50 Enduro Racing 2021 compared to Vespa Primavera 50 4T 2021
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Beta RR 50 Enduro Racing 2021

With the Beta RR 50 Racing, you notice right away - "Racing" is not just a simple model suffix. Racing was the driving force behind the model development. Hardly any other moped is as predestined for racing as the Beta RR 50 Racing.
Vespa Primavera 50 4T 2021

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Beta RR 50 Enduro Racing vs Vespa Primavera 50 4T
Price Beta RR 50 Enduro Racing
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Vespa Primavera 50 4T
Model year
Current average market prices