Aprilia SX 125 2009 vs. Honda SH125i 2005

Aprilia SX 125 2009

Honda SH125i 2005
Overview - Aprilia SX 125 2009 vs Honda SH125i 2005

Aprilia SX 125 2009

Honda SH125i 2005
Technical Specifications Aprilia SX 125 2009 compared to Honda SH125i 2005
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Aprilia SX 125 2009

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Honda SH125i 2005

It should no longer be a surprise to me how fun and practical such a scooter is. I will definitely make an appointment for the new Silver Wing 400 very soon and will no longer worry about my own sanity when Mrs Seiner calls to remind me.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Aprilia SX 125 vs Honda SH125i
Price Aprilia SX 125
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Honda SH125i
Model year
Current average market prices