Honda CRF450R 2016 vs. Honda CRF 450 RX 2018

Honda CRF450R 2016

Honda CRF 450 RX 2018
Overview - Honda CRF450R 2016 vs Honda CRF 450 RX 2018

Honda CRF450R 2016

Honda CRF 450 RX 2018
Technical Specifications Honda CRF450R 2016 compared to Honda CRF 450 RX 2018
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda CRF450R 2016

I generally have a lot of respect for a 450. Motocross bikes are becoming more and more powerful and the 450cmm torque monsters in particular often tend to be unrideable. Not so with the Honda CRF450R. I really liked the combination of strong yet dorable power and great handling! I felt comfortable from the first moment, trusted the bike and really enjoyed riding it!
Honda CRF 450 RX 2018

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda CRF450R vs Honda CRF 450 RX
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Price Honda CRF 450 RX
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