KTM 500 EXC-F 2021 vs. KTM 500 EXC 2012

KTM 500 EXC-F 2021

KTM 500 EXC 2012
Overview - KTM 500 EXC-F 2021 vs KTM 500 EXC 2012

KTM 500 EXC-F 2021

KTM 500 EXC 2012
Technical Specifications KTM 500 EXC-F 2021 compared to KTM 500 EXC 2012
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
KTM 500 EXC-F 2021

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
KTM 500 EXC 2012

It's a good bike, but if you're not quite as strong, the 350 has many more advantages and almost no disadvantages off-road. So ladies, keep an eye out for 500cc riders in the paddock. These are men whose shoulders you can safely lean on and who can probably protect you from a grizzly bear.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price KTM 500 EXC-F vs KTM 500 EXC
Price KTM 500 EXC-F
Model year
Current average market prices
Price KTM 500 EXC
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.