Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin Adventure Sports 2019 vs. Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin DCT 2019

Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin Adventure Sports 2019

Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin DCT 2019
Overview - Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin Adventure Sports 2019 vs Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin DCT 2019

Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin Adventure Sports 2019

Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin DCT 2019
Technical Specifications Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin Adventure Sports 2019 compared to Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin DCT 2019
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin Adventure Sports 2019

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin DCT 2019

The look and design of the Honda CRF1000L Africa TWin DCT is insanely beautiful, but our testers are not dazzled by it. The chassis could be harder, especially for the road, and more power and sportiness would also do the Africa Twin good. Apart from that, however, the rest works great. Reliability, suitability for touring and a well-rounded overall package - what more could you want on a touring enduro.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin Adventure Sports vs Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin DCT
Price Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin Adventure Sports
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin DCT
Model year
Current average market prices