Honda CBF 1000 2010 vs. Honda CBF 1000 F 2012

Honda CBF 1000 2010

Honda CBF 1000 F 2012
Overview - Honda CBF 1000 2010 vs Honda CBF 1000 F 2012

Honda CBF 1000 2010

Honda CBF 1000 F 2012
Technical Specifications Honda CBF 1000 2010 compared to Honda CBF 1000 F 2012
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda CBF 1000 2010

As far as fun is concerned, the wicked look and slim shape of the CBF1000F at least already suggest that it won't fall by the wayside. A motorbike that can do so much that it may seem too ordinary to many. But a motorbike will never be that. That's what it boils down to: spurned at the pub, bought at the dealer.
Honda CBF 1000 F 2012

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda CBF 1000 vs Honda CBF 1000 F
Price Honda CBF 1000
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Current average market prices
Price Honda CBF 1000 F
Model year
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