Kawasaki Z900 RS Cafe 2018 vs. Yamaha XSR900 2020

Kawasaki Z900 RS Cafe 2018

Yamaha XSR900 2020
Overview - Kawasaki Z900 RS Cafe 2018 vs Yamaha XSR900 2020

Kawasaki Z900 RS Cafe 2018

Yamaha XSR900 2020
Technical Specifications Kawasaki Z900 RS Cafe 2018 compared to Yamaha XSR900 2020
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Kawasaki Z900 RS Cafe 2018

With the Z900RS Cafe, Kawasaki has launched a very successful and high-quality homage to the café racer machines from the 1970s. It combines the classic, sporty design with the ultra-modern technology of the modern era. Surprisingly, it presents itself as a pleasant-to-ride sports tourer with high utility value. This means that it will be used more often in practice than a Z900RS or similar motorbike. A big hit.
Yamaha XSR900 2020

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Kawasaki Z900 RS Cafe vs Yamaha XSR900
Price Kawasaki Z900 RS Cafe
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Yamaha XSR900
Model year
Current average market prices