BMW R 1200 R 2011 vs. BMW R 1200 RT 2010

BMW R 1200 R 2011

BMW R 1200 RT 2010
Overview - BMW R 1200 R 2011 vs BMW R 1200 RT 2010

BMW R 1200 R 2011

BMW R 1200 RT 2010
Technical Specifications BMW R 1200 R 2011 compared to BMW R 1200 RT 2010
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
BMW R 1200 R 2011

After just a few kilometres on the R, you feel as if you've been allowed to spend a day in a tailor-made suit tailored with a lot of experience and tradition. You behave more cultivated than usual, a little more mature, a little more polite, definitely proud.
BMW R 1200 RT 2010

The S-class among motorbikes. You want to tour and travel in a relaxed manner, ideally with company, sufficient luggage stowed in the sophisticated, easy-to-use pannier systems. There are not many motorbikes on which women like to ride in the back, but the RT is one of them.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price BMW R 1200 R vs BMW R 1200 RT
Price BMW R 1200 R
Model year
Current average market prices
Price BMW R 1200 RT
Model year
Current average market prices