Gilera Runner 200 VXR 2006 vs. Honda SH150i 2013

Gilera Runner 200 VXR 2006

Honda SH150i 2013
Technical Specifications Gilera Runner 200 VXR 2006 compared to Honda SH150i 2013
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Gilera Runner 200 VXR 2006

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Honda SH150i 2013

The Honda SH150i completely fulfils the premium claim made by the price. The 150 cc make it a grown-up and for the business students among you - in terms of TCO (Total cost of Ownership), the Honda SH150i will have beaten some supposed bargains after 10 years for a variety of reasons.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Gilera Runner 200 VXR vs Honda SH150i
Price Gilera Runner 200 VXR
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Honda SH150i
Model year
Current average market prices