BMW S 1000 RR 2010 vs. Yamaha R1 2013

BMW S 1000 RR 2010

Yamaha R1 2013
Overview - BMW S 1000 RR 2010 vs Yamaha R1 2013

BMW S 1000 RR 2010

Yamaha R1 2013
Technical Specifications BMW S 1000 RR 2010 compared to Yamaha R1 2013
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
BMW S 1000 RR 2010

We have a strict and merciless order from the boss to thank for that. There are tough performance checks before the S 1000 RR leaves the factory. At BMW, they didn't want to show their hand and risk even one disappointing test bench report finding its way into the media.
Yamaha R1 2013

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price BMW S 1000 RR vs Yamaha R1
Price BMW S 1000 RR
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Yamaha R1
Model year
Current average market prices