Kawasaki Z 750R 2012 vs. Kawasaki Z1000 2015

Kawasaki Z 750R 2012

Kawasaki Z1000 2015
Overview - Kawasaki Z 750R 2012 vs Kawasaki Z1000 2015

Kawasaki Z 750R 2012

Kawasaki Z1000 2015
Technical Specifications Kawasaki Z 750R 2012 compared to Kawasaki Z1000 2015
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Kawasaki Z 750R 2012

All in all, the tuning here has been really fine-tuned and precise. For your money, you get a really good naked bike racer with an optimal price/performance ratio that is easy to ride and achieves fast lap times. If you then dismantle the parts after a few years, you can sell the vehicle very easily on the second-hand market - the Z750 R is very popular there.
Kawasaki Z1000 2015

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Kawasaki Z 750R vs Kawasaki Z1000
Price Kawasaki Z 750R
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Kawasaki Z1000
Model year
Current average market prices