Honda CB500F 2016 vs. Honda CBF 500 2008

Honda CB500F 2016

Honda CBF 500 2008
Overview - Honda CB500F 2016 vs Honda CBF 500 2008

Honda CB500F 2016

Honda CBF 500 2008
Technical Specifications Honda CB500F 2016 compared to Honda CBF 500 2008
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda CB500F 2016

Like its two-cylinder predecessors CB500 and CBF500, the new CB500F presents itself as a mature motorbike for beginners, returning riders or for the daily commute to work. With the modern LED headlight and LED tail light, Honda is moving with the times and thus offers a great package in the A2 driving licence class. With its nimble handling, it is convincing both in city traffic and on country roads, and thanks to the revisions to the engine and transmission, it cuts a sportier figure than ever before. The chassis, on the other hand, offers enough comfort, which is further supported by the adjustable brake lever.
Honda CBF 500 2008

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda CB500F vs Honda CBF 500
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Price Honda CBF 500
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