BMW S 1000 R 2021 vs. Yamaha BWs 50 2011

BMW S 1000 R 2021

Yamaha BWs 50 2011
Overview - BMW S 1000 R 2021 vs Yamaha BWs 50 2011

BMW S 1000 R 2021

Yamaha BWs 50 2011
Technical Specifications BMW S 1000 R 2021 compared to Yamaha BWs 50 2011
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
BMW S 1000 R 2021

It's really impressive how BMW always manages to make good motorbikes even better. The sporty S 1000 R with M package and carbon rims looks a bit threatening at first. But even in 2021, the S 1000 R serves up high-tech and performance in a grandiose, usable dosage. The machine rides precisely, handles well but is not tippy. The engine fires out of the corners, but does not overtax. A damn fast motorbike!
Yamaha BWs 50 2011

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price BMW S 1000 R vs Yamaha BWs 50
Price BMW S 1000 R
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Yamaha BWs 50
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.