Kawasaki VN 1700 Voyager Custom 2011 vs. Harley-Davidson Street Glide FLHX 2011

Kawasaki VN 1700 Voyager Custom 2011

Harley-Davidson Street Glide FLHX 2011
Overview - Kawasaki VN 1700 Voyager Custom 2011 vs Harley-Davidson Street Glide FLHX 2011

Kawasaki VN 1700 Voyager Custom 2011

Harley-Davidson Street Glide FLHX 2011
Technical Specifications Kawasaki VN 1700 Voyager Custom 2011 compared to Harley-Davidson Street Glide FLHX 2011
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Kawasaki VN 1700 Voyager Custom 2011

Real men need to take action here and make themselves heard more. But the sound is the only weakness of the Voyager Custom, otherwise you can assume that it is tougher than most of us.
Harley-Davidson Street Glide FLHX 2011

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Kawasaki VN 1700 Voyager Custom vs Harley-Davidson Street Glide FLHX
Price Kawasaki VN 1700 Voyager Custom
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Harley-Davidson Street Glide FLHX
Model year
Current average market prices