Yamaha T-MAX 530 ABS 2016 vs. BMW C 650 GT 2020

Yamaha T-MAX 530 ABS 2016

BMW C 650 GT 2020
Overview - Yamaha T-MAX 530 ABS 2016 vs BMW C 650 GT 2020

Yamaha T-MAX 530 ABS 2016

BMW C 650 GT 2020
Technical Specifications Yamaha T-MAX 530 ABS 2016 compared to BMW C 650 GT 2020
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Yamaha T-MAX 530 ABS 2016

The Yamaha TMAX sets the bar high in the luxury scooter segment. The powerful 530cc two-cylinder pushes mightily, motorway stages should not be a problem. The sound and handling are more reminiscent of a motorbike than a scooter - in a positive sense. Comfort is also good, so holiday trips should not be a problem. Only the high weight and the dimensions of the TMAX are annoying, in the city you need almost the same space as a car. On top of that, the price is high, which will probably make the TMAX more of an exotic on our roads.
BMW C 650 GT 2020

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Yamaha T-MAX 530 ABS vs BMW C 650 GT
Price Yamaha T-MAX 530 ABS
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Price BMW C 650 GT
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