Zontes 310 V 2021 vs. Honda CB500F 2013

Zontes 310 V 2021

Honda CB500F 2013
Overview - Zontes 310 V 2021 vs Honda CB500F 2013

Zontes 310 V 2021

Honda CB500F 2013
Technical Specifications Zontes 310 V 2021 compared to Honda CB500F 2013
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Zontes 310 V 2021

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Honda CB500F 2013

However, such minor details cannot tarnish the good image of the Honda CB500F. After the first few metres, there was no question that it would be an excellent choice as an entry-level motorbike. But the fact that it can also meet higher demands is a little surprising, especially the engine pleases with its agile response and pronounced revving pleasure.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Zontes 310 V vs Honda CB500F
Price Zontes 310 V
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Honda CB500F
Model year
Current average market prices