Yamaha YZ 250 LC 2016 vs. Yamaha YZ250F 2016

Yamaha YZ 250 LC 2016

Yamaha YZ250F 2016
Overview - Yamaha YZ 250 LC 2016 vs Yamaha YZ250F 2016

Yamaha YZ 250 LC 2016

Yamaha YZ250F 2016
Technical Specifications Yamaha YZ 250 LC 2016 compared to Yamaha YZ250F 2016
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Yamaha YZ 250 LC 2016

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Yamaha YZ250F 2016

The engine of the Yamaha YZ250F could have a little more power in the lower range, but becomes very powerful from the middle to the upper range. When it comes to the chassis, "the blues" have remained true to the old system, but this is not a disadvantage. The modified YZ250F GYTR has noticeably more compression when starting and is a little more difficult to get going. But when you ride it in the upper range, it really gets going - making the GYTR version ideal for the ambitious racer.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Yamaha YZ 250 LC vs Yamaha YZ250F
Price Yamaha YZ 250 LC
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Yamaha YZ250F
Model year
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