Kawasaki KX250X 2023 vs. Honda CRF250R 2022

Kawasaki KX250X 2023

Honda CRF250R 2022
Technical Specifications Kawasaki KX250X 2023 compared to Honda CRF250R 2022
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Kawasaki KX250X 2023

The 250 never seems rough and rides almost as smoothly as a classic 4-stroke enduro. It skilfully disguises its MX genes. The performance is really strong, in direct comparison more reminiscent of a 350 than a 250. The first choice for classic Enduro with special tests. Fast, light and still super, stable handling. But it also does well in the stone field and in tougher terrain, making hard enduro excursions easily doable. Its huge advantage lies in its manageability, it feels very small, slim almost dainty. Offers a great savings factor!
Honda CRF250R 2022

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Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Kawasaki KX250X vs Honda CRF250R
Price Kawasaki KX250X
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Honda CRF250R
Model year
Current average market prices