KTM 450 EXC-F 2021 vs. Husaberg FE 450 E 2005

KTM 450 EXC-F 2021

Husaberg FE 450 E 2005
Overview - KTM 450 EXC-F 2021 vs Husaberg FE 450 E 2005

KTM 450 EXC-F 2021

Husaberg FE 450 E 2005
Technical Specifications KTM 450 EXC-F 2021 compared to Husaberg FE 450 E 2005
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
KTM 450 EXC-F 2021

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Husaberg FE 450 E 2005

A powerful engine in a fine enduro moped. Straight-line stability is very good in the deep and heavy sand. Even if you don't keep perfect traction, the front wheel holds the line cleanly in the deep sand. A real advantage, especially for less experienced enduro riders.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price KTM 450 EXC-F vs Husaberg FE 450 E
Price KTM 450 EXC-F
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Husaberg FE 450 E
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.