Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014 vs. Honda NC750X 2015

Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014

Honda NC750X 2015
Overview - Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014 vs Honda NC750X 2015

Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014

Honda NC750X 2015
Technical Specifications Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014 compared to Honda NC750X 2015
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Honda NC750X 2015

The NC750X actually has only one weakness: its strength. With 55 hp, the all-purpose motorbike is moderately powered, but Honda's product range is so broad and diverse that the NC group was deliberately positioned in this area. The NC750X makes up for a lot in torque, and those who like it sportier can upgrade to a Crossrunner or Crosstourer. The New Concept shines in its second generation with an even higher quality feel, better equipment, a taut fork and a total of 5 riding modes. The 3-stage sport mode makes it practically unnecessary to intervene in the shifting process yourself.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda XL 700V Transalp vs Honda NC750X
Price Honda XL 700V Transalp
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Honda NC750X
Model year
Current average market prices