Husqvarna TE 300 2015 vs. Beta RR 300 2T 2015

Husqvarna TE 300 2015

Beta RR 300 2T 2015
Overview - Husqvarna TE 300 2015 vs Beta RR 300 2T 2015

Husqvarna TE 300 2015

Beta RR 300 2T 2015
Technical Specifications Husqvarna TE 300 2015 compared to Beta RR 300 2T 2015
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Husqvarna TE 300 2015

The racing machine for two-stroke enthusiasts. Perfectly tuned and fast as an arrow. A bestseller in the Husvqarna range! And rightly so! In the test, we also tried it in combination with a Rekluse clutch. But the overall package seemed a little too nervous. The TE300 is best enjoyed with a conventional clutch.
Beta RR 300 2T 2015

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Husqvarna TE 300 vs Beta RR 300 2T
Price Husqvarna TE 300
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Beta RR 300 2T
Model year
Current average market prices