Ducati Diavel 1260 S 2019 vs. Buell Lightning Long XB 12 Ss 2008

Ducati Diavel 1260 S 2019

Buell Lightning Long XB 12 Ss 2008
Overview - Ducati Diavel 1260 S 2019 vs Buell Lightning Long XB 12 Ss 2008

Ducati Diavel 1260 S 2019

Buell Lightning Long XB 12 Ss 2008
Technical Specifications Ducati Diavel 1260 S 2019 compared to Buell Lightning Long XB 12 Ss 2008
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Ducati Diavel 1260 S 2019

I was able to test the Ducati Diavel S in Marbella for over 200km on mountain roads in all modes at the best temperatures of over 20 degrees and I am very surprised at the agility of the bike. Despite the 240mm wide rear tyre, you don't get the feeling that you have to work hard to generate lean angle. On the contrary, it goes around the corners almost playfully. Of all the technical features and the steam, the relaxed riding position was my highlight. Please, how comfortable can you sit in a motorbike? The Diavel shows the way.
Buell Lightning Long XB 12 Ss 2008

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Ducati Diavel 1260 S vs Buell Lightning Long XB 12 Ss
Price Ducati Diavel 1260 S
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Buell Lightning Long XB 12 Ss
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.