BMW K 1200 LT 2005 vs. Kawasaki GTR 1400 2009

BMW K 1200 LT 2005

Kawasaki GTR 1400 2009
Overview - BMW K 1200 LT 2005 vs Kawasaki GTR 1400 2009

BMW K 1200 LT 2005

Kawasaki GTR 1400 2009
Technical Specifications BMW K 1200 LT 2005 compared to Kawasaki GTR 1400 2009
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
BMW K 1200 LT 2005

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Kawasaki GTR 1400 2009

There is hardly anything left that has not been improved on the GTR. Many things are much better, some a little better. But everything is directly perceptible to the rider and increases the feeling of well-being on tour.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price BMW K 1200 LT vs Kawasaki GTR 1400
Price BMW K 1200 LT
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Kawasaki GTR 1400
Model year
Current average market prices