Yamaha X-City 250 2008 vs. Yamaha X-Max 250 2008

Yamaha X-City 250 2008

Yamaha X-Max 250 2008
Overview - Yamaha X-City 250 2008 vs Yamaha X-Max 250 2008

Yamaha X-City 250 2008

Yamaha X-Max 250 2008
Technical Specifications Yamaha X-City 250 2008 compared to Yamaha X-Max 250 2008
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Yamaha X-City 250 2008

The practical one - The X's versatility certainly makes it best suited for daily use in the big city or in the middle of nowhere between cow tails.
Yamaha X-Max 250 2008

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Yamaha X-City 250 vs Yamaha X-Max 250
Price Yamaha X-City 250
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Yamaha X-Max 250
Model year
Current average market prices