Beta RR 250 2T 2017 vs. Sherco 300 SE-R 2018

Beta RR 250 2T 2017

Sherco 300 SE-R 2018
Overview - Beta RR 250 2T 2017 vs Sherco 300 SE-R 2018

Beta RR 250 2T 2017

Sherco 300 SE-R 2018
Technical Specifications Beta RR 250 2T 2017 compared to Sherco 300 SE-R 2018
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Beta RR 250 2T 2017

The Beta RR 250 2T was classified as a real racing machine by the 1000PS testers. The suspension is tuned a bit too hard, which is OK for fast riders, but will be too uncomfortable for hobby racers. Our off-road group was nevertheless very satisfied with the handling. In terms of the engine, an aggressive setup was chosen, which makes the single-cylinder engine very powerful, but still easy to drive. All in all, a very racing-oriented package for real professional endurists.
Sherco 300 SE-R 2018

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Beta RR 250 2T vs Sherco 300 SE-R
Price Beta RR 250 2T
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Sherco 300 SE-R
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.