KTM 125 Duke 2016 vs. Kymco Quannon 125 2012

KTM 125 Duke 2016

Kymco Quannon 125 2012
Overview - KTM 125 Duke 2016 vs Kymco Quannon 125 2012

KTM 125 Duke 2016

Kymco Quannon 125 2012
Technical Specifications KTM 125 Duke 2016 compared to Kymco Quannon 125 2012
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
KTM 125 Duke 2016

For 16-year-olds and B-111 owners, the KTM 125 Duke is a blessing because it is not a small moped brand, but a real motorbike brand with sporty prestige and a high coolness factor. Motorcyclists who have outgrown school age will miss performance and are more likely to use the smallest Duke for very short everyday trips, if at all. I would then rather prefer a scooter, which also has storage space.
Kymco Quannon 125 2012

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Price Comparison Avarage Market Price KTM 125 Duke vs Kymco Quannon 125
Price KTM 125 Duke
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Kymco Quannon 125
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.