Honda CB 1300 S 2011 vs. Honda CBF 1000 2006
Honda CB 1300 S 2011
Honda CBF 1000 2006
Overview - Honda CB 1300 S 2011 vs Honda CBF 1000 2006
Honda CB 1300 S 2011
Honda CBF 1000 2006
Technical Specifications Honda CB 1300 S 2011 compared to Honda CBF 1000 2006
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda CB 1300 S 2011
Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Honda CBF 1000 2006
The sum of the unspectacular details results in a perfectly balanced motorbike. Lovers of European motorbikes might think, "too sterile, too little character". The CBF cannot and will not force a Tuono, a Monster or an MV out of the garage. It pushes the happy owner out of the garage onto the asphalt every day.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda CB 1300 S vs Honda CBF 1000
Price Honda CB 1300 S
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Honda CBF 1000
Model year
Current average market prices